
Three Hygiene Stars (out of Five)

The Eighth of June Two Thousand and Eleven. Wednesday.

My a-ha CD/DVD combo turned up today. That was good timing wasn't it?

Just a quick thought. Today I cleaned my bathroom (overdue). Did a bit of scrubbing, etc. and it was generally a lot cleaner than when I started. Not Kim and Aggie clean, but fairly fragrant and I got most of the muck off the shower door so I think I haven't done too badly.

That got me to thinking about the Five Star Hygiene ratings they have on food shops. I noticed Poundland had the full five the other day. But it is a sliding scale and there must be some places that only have three stars. Is that a bad thing? Obviously it's not as good as spotless top marks.

The upshot is when I looked at my bathrooom after I'd finished it wasn't perfect but it was well above my normal low standards. A three star rating if you will.

It was then that I realised that what you're really looking for in keeping your digs clean is a compromise between the amount of work you want to put in and the amount of embarassment your living like a pig will cause should anybody actually come round and disturb you.

I've illustrated this in a graph:
As always, the area under the graph is the ideal place to be.

Hey, I was checking the spelling of 'mither' and the site I was looking at pointed out that it's an anagram of 'hermit'. Makes sense - a hermit won't want to be mithered.

More soonliest

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