
Tramalot Part V

The Fifteenth of July Two Thousand and Fifteen. Wednesday.

Off we go again.

The Bury Line

We double back into the city centre before heading North.


'That wretched square again,' exclaimed Tegan. 'What's happening, Doctor?'

I think this is my favourite photo from the day. I haven't been in the library yet since it reopened. This stop has closed now and won't reopen until next year - a few yards further along. St Peter Davison kept finding himself returning to the square at the centre of Castrovalva due to space warping shenanigans.


The sound of gunfire was heard across the Market outside. 'What on earth's going on?' demanded Sir Charles.
 That brilliant bit where Billy Hartnell faces down a War Machine takes place at Covent Garden Market.


'Is it true?' demanded Lexa. 'Did you see this other Doctor?'
 Ah, Lexa was played by the marvellous Jacqueline Hill who was Barbara, one quarter of the original TARDIS crew. That's the 'hill' bit. Not sure what the 'Shude' refers to.


Victoria watched the Doctor and Jamie disappear inside the TARDIS. It seemed unnatural to her too, the fact that she was not going with them, and large tears began to roll down her cherry-red cheeks.

Wah! Fury from the Deep is where we say goodbye to Victoria. This would be very sad were it not for the fact that it means lovely, lovely Zoe is joining in the very next story.


'There is nothing "only" about being a female,' said Sarah indignantly. Never mind why they made you Queen - you are the Queen.'
Another deep cut this one. There's a Queen in the story. I don't want to spoil stuff for later on but I do the same thing with a King at another station. Also - documentary transparency and all that (no polar bear enclosure footage here, my friend) - I actually called at this stop after all the others on this line cos I came back to here, got off and walked to Monsall to connect with the Rochdale line.


'That's - Abraham Lincoln!' exclaimed Barbara.'That's what I asked for,' laughed Ian, not quite believing it. 'The Gettysburg Address.'

 Yes, if you're going to faff about in Time, Abraham Lincoln is going to figure at some point (see also Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure). Here it was on that Time Television thing that they got from the Space Museum in the previous adventure.


There's nothing quite like tea and crumpets is there? I feel so much more relaxed.'
Crumpsall always makes me think of crumpets. And why not?


'Fishing requires patience, Peri. I think it was Rassilon who said there a few ways a Time Lord can be more innocently employed than in catching fish.'
 I am reliably informed that Bowker Vale is a good spot for catching carp. No gumblejacks, though.


'Six?' Even the Doctor was astonished. Six suns - on Pluto?'
 The Sunmakers -  Heat on. I do apologise. Still, Pluto's all a bit topical, isn't it? After the historic fly-past by the New Horizons probe. Here's a lovely photo.


Mike Yates watched her, fascinated. Was he really about to witness a demonstation of real witchcraft, albeit white witchcraft?
 It's not really witchcraft in this story, so it doesn't really matter that it's a misspelled pun. But Damaris Hayman! And the wizard Quiquaequod! I bloomin' love Doctor Who, me.


'Get on to the police,' said the male creature. 'There's some sort of lizard asleep in my barn.'
 Barn. The connection here is 'Barn'. I love Madame Vastra, but I do wish she had three eyes.


He made a dive for the open doors, and was instantly swallowed up in the dead white nothingness beyond.
The beginning of this story takes place in a big field of white nothingness. White. Field.


The second thing I saw was a glass Dalek! He was resting on a kind of dais and his casing was totally made of glass.
 Well, I chose this one cos, y'know, Rad and radiation like on the post-nuclear wastelands of Skaro. But in the book they talk about chemicals and pollution rather than fallout specifically. That's interesting, isn't it?


'Frontios "buries its own dead" - that's what they say, isn't it?'
 It's a noun! It's a verb! It's the end of this branch of the Metrolink! Now to head back down to Queens Road and then toddle over to Monsall and the Rochdale line.

More soonliest.

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