
Left Means Straight

The Twenty-First of November Two Thousand and Twelve. Wednesday.

I'm trying to think when the last time I wore an earring must have been. I think it was on one of the work's Christmas dos, but as to which one it was - how long ago it was - I can't say. I think I feel a bit too old and sensible to wear one now. Although Indiana Jones doesn't seem to think it's a problem

And yet, and yet...

It's nice to have the option. I've never been one for dressing up. I can see the appeal of cosplay, of fancy dress, indeed I admire people with the courage, craft and skill to role play in any way, whether it's a bit of fun at a party or a full-on convention appearance. But I've always had difficulties with clothing and fashion, even on a day-to-day basis. Nevertheless, as a teenager I went and had my ear pierced.

It's odd - there are lots of details I can't remember about that time but the chain of events that led to me having my ear pierced are still there. Maybe not the details. For example, I can't remember the reason we were all round at Karen Hurst's house. But I do remember talking to her dad. He had his ear pierced and for some reason it was seeing him that made me want to follow suit.

I remember the day I set off to get it done. My friend and neighbour, Nick, was outside just as I left the house. I told him where I was going and he didn't believe I was going to do it. In fact, so convinced was he he offered to pay half the price of it if I went ahead and did it. I was going to do it anyway, but to his credit he paid up when I returned with that first stud in my ear.

Nearly thirty years ago, dear me. I've had studs and sleepers, dangly ones and jewelled ones since then. I've never really fancied getting any other part of my anatomy pierced (although I do enjoy referring to the James Bond actor as Pierced Brosnan). Pretty much the only jewelery I've ever worn. Well, with one notable exception.

So, not being particularly fashion conscious I'm not sure why I started wearing an earring. Even more peculiarly, I'm not sure why I stopped. I don't think it's something I would like to do every day now. For some reason that seems like a different person. But it's just popped into my head as something I'd like to revisit at least for a little while.

I'll think I'll pop to the market and get a new sleeper tomorrow.

More soonliest

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